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Shop Talk: A2 English Students Bring Shopping to Life on the Radio.

Idiomas en la Onda 21 abril, 2023


To prepare for their radio debut, the A2 students of English at the EOI collaborated on a project to write dialogues centred around shopping, using and practising the vocabulary and grammatical structures they had learned in class. The experience was not only instructive but also so much fun!!

Teacher: Fernando Pimienta Gómez. Participating A2 students: Mercedes Campos and Mercedes Fernández. Isabel García and María Teresa Mejía. Concepción Muñoz and Mª Teresa Niño. Sofía Masuco and Luisa Moriche. Beatriz Cuesta and Meritxell García. Carlos Gómez and Begoña Ortíz.

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Idiomas en la Onda

Fernando Pimienta Gómez. Coordinador RadioEdu. EOI Zafra.

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