Archivo de la etiqueta: re_alberto_21

Tongue twisters contest

Alberto, one of our english teachers, celebrated a contest with his students, from 1º ESO A, 2º ESO B, 2ºPMAR, 3ºA and 3ºB.

If you listen the podcast you will see how much fun it was. Do you want to try? Here are some of the tongue twisters they did:

‘A big black bug bit a big black dog on his big black nose.’

‘Fresh fried fish, fish fresh fried, fried fish fresh, fish fried fresh.’

‘She sells seashells by the seashore.’ 

‘Friendly fleas and fireflies.’

If you are brave enough send us your tongue twister and we will publish them in a podcast. You can try with those above or another one you like. Go for it!

This is Halloween

HALLOWEEN IS COMING! Our English students have recorded their voices to tell us spooky stories that will make our hair stand on end! This year, this worldwide festival takes place on Saturday, though it will be present in our high school throughout this week. Alberto Castro, one of our English teachers has prepared a podcast with all his groups.

To find more about this celebration, have a look at this video:

The winners of the short terror tales for this Covid-Halloween are:

1º ESO A: Jon Arizmendiarrieta Salgado, Valeria Castro Leo, Adrián Fernández Aceña, Hugo Grande González and Natalia Sánchez Martínez (“The Human Chair”).

2º ESO B: Candela Fernández Rollán (“The Woman in the Window”).

2º PMAR: Eduardo Magdaleno Raimundo (Unknown).

3º ESO A: Lucía Fernández Rubio (“Pretending to be Asleep Doesn´t Work”).

3º ESO B: Candela Clemente Serrano (“The Grandfather”).

Listen and enjoy!

Halloween short stories