Emisora de radio educativa del IES Puerta de la Serena

Female scientists IV: Elizabeth Blackwell and Tiara Guinn Fletcher

Todo lo bueno llega a su fin… después de tres grandes entregas sobre mujeres científicas con motivo de celebración de la Semana de la Ciencia, hoy el alumnado de 1º Bachillerato de Ciencias y Tecnología os traen la última entrega. Los/as alumnos/as Nerea Sosa, Natalia Pino, Esteban Peña y Martín Pérez, con la coordinación de su profesor de Inglés, Enrique Moreno, os traen a dos grandes científicas: Elizabeth Blackwell y Tiara Guinn Fletcher. ¡Esperamos que disfrutéis y que hayáis aprendido más acerca de estas grandes científicas!

All good things come to an end… After three great podcasts on women scientists, today the students of 1st Bachillerato in Science and Technology have prepared the last part of the weekly series. Students Nerea Sosa, Natalia Pino, Esteban Peña and Martín Pérez, under the supervision of their English teacher, Enrique Moreno, will talk to you about two great scientists: Elizabeth Blackwell and Tiara Guinn Fletcher. We hope you enjoyed yourselves and learned more about these great female scientists!

Students from left to right: Nerea, Esteban, Martín and Natalia Pino

“I am not the sort of person about whom stories are told. Those of humble birth suffer their heartbreaks and celebrate their triumphs unnoticed by the bards, leaving no trave in the fables of their time.”

Elizabeth Blackwell
StudentsEsteban Peña Haba (1st BCCT)
Martín Pérez Ermolina (1st BCCT)
Natalia Pino Tena (1st BCCT)
Nerea Sosa Díaz (1st BARP)
Teacher / CoordinatorEnrique Moreno Santos
MusicTalk Show Intro, Waderman Music Productions (SoundCloud)