Archivo de la etiqueta: 22_23_acastror05

MUJERES EN LA CIENCIA I: talento chinato

IESO Quercus wants to introduce you to two`Chinatas´ (and cousins!) Scientists to celebrate the International Day of Women and Girls in Science: Eva Sánchez Tomé and Blanca Fernández Tomé. Their destinies have been completely different, but they have something in common: both of them have researched on how to improve humans´quality of life. Eva researched on looking for mutations in the DNA related to hereditary colon cancer, as well as on an illness that affected amphibians, whereas Blanca works in research projects related to laparoscopic surgeries, making simulators to avoid the use of animals for such experiments, and using biomaterials that assist the osseointegration to reduce the infections in humans. The town of Malpartida de Plasencia can be really proud of having women scientists like them! Thank you both for showing us your research works!

Eva Sánchez

Entrevista a Eva Sánchez
Blanca Fernández
Entrevista a Blanca

«News related to Mental Health Disorders»

Our students in 3º ESO have searched for online news concerning people who suffer from mental health diseases and disorders, such as schizophrenia, alzheimer, anxiety, depression, psychotic outbreaks, etc. The next step was to record a radio programme telling us all that news, just to make us aware of the reality that mental health problems are present among us more than we would wish. We hope you all like it!

Día Europeo de las Lenguas

Hoy 26 de septiempre se celebra el Día Europeo de las Lenguas. Por este motivo los profesores que imparten clase en las diferentes lenguas de nuestro centro han venido al estudio para concienciar a la comunidad educativa sobre la importancia de hablar diferentes idiomas.

Hay varias sorpresas en idiomas que nuestros profesores y profesoras hablan. A ver qué eres capaz de entender… ¡No te lo pierdas!

Día Europeo de las Lenguas
Nuestra profesora María en el estudio de radio con la coordinadora Tanya