Emisora de radio educativa del Ceip Ntra. Sra. del Consuelo

Sheepdog trials!

Sheepdog trials!
6th of Primary Education.


Hello we are in the sixth level of Primary Education. This is a cultural radio program aboun sheepdog trials. 

Do know some famous sheepdog or a world champion sheepdog? 

-Sure! Jack. Jack is a world champion border collie. 

He lives on a farm in Wales and he works with Evan, the Farmer. Evan trained Jack when he was a puppy and now he is one of the most famous sheepdogs in the world.

A good herding dog obeys its master’s orders. When the dog sees a lost sheep he runs behind it. When the farmer finishes work he feeds the dog.

Are there sheepdogs in Logrosán?

– Yes, there are. I have one, her name is Cori.

– My uncle has got 2, they are Kira and Curro.

– My uncle has got a sheepdog too!

That’s all! Thanks for listening to Radiosán.