Emisora de radio educativa del IES Valle de Ambroz, Hervás

Proyecto: «Los sonidos perdidos»: The Seven Sacred Teaching

Many Aboriginal organizations and communities have adopted the 7 guiding principles, in one form or another, as a moral stepping stone and cultural foundation. Each community has adapted the teachings to suit their community values. Despite where the teachings may have originated, they share the same concepts of abiding by a moral respect for all living things.

Students from 4ºESO read about the different Native American teachings, wrote their podcast scripts, recorded their tracks at our radio station and finally edited their own podcast with Audicity.

This is their project:

By Sayda Barbero

By Candela Trancón
By Aimar Sainz
By Abel Bernabé
By Alberto García
By Daniel
By Darío Rubio
By Pablo García
By Ariadna Hernández
By Iván Lomo
Listening and watching an Elder – Southern First Nations.
Learning how Audacity works with Pepe Prieto.

Students from bilingual 4ºESO:

Sayda Barbero, Abel Bernabé, Daniel Carril, Alberto García, Pablo García, Ariadna Hernández, Iván Lomo, Darío Rubio, Aimar Sáinz and Candela Trancón.

Teachers: Pepe Prieto and Alba Español