The different techniques to separate mixtures

Adriana,Irene,,Paola,Mario,Adrián y Daniel.

Dentro del trabajo de inversión lingüística en lengua inglesa, se encuentran los procesos de razonamiento, experimentación y expresión oral en la asignatura de natural science. Este grupito de alumnos de 6º B de D. Carlos Porcar, nos presenta los diferentes métodos de separación de mezclas que han aplicado en sus experimentos de clase. El vídeo del método de filtración lo ha filmado D. Marcelo Amarilla con sus alumnos de 6ºC.

Today the pupils of Sixth B are going to tell you about the different techniques used to separate mixtures. We used some of them for experiments in class.

There are different techniques to separate mixtures. One of these techniques is filtration, in which the mixture is passed through a filter. The solid particles are trapped in the filter, but the liquid particles pass through.

Another technique is that of evaporation, in which the liquid in a solution evaporates and a soluble solid remains.
For example: salt and water.

Distillation is another technique used to separate mixtures. In this case, two liquids are separated because you can evaporate one of them at a lower temperature. For example: alcohol and water.

The last technique is that of dissolution. We separate two components: a soluble solid and an insoluble one. For example: sand and salt.

Now you know a little bit more about them! We recorded these experiments and you can see them on our website. We hope that you will like them!