Patron Saints of the United Kingdom

Alumnos ponentes: Elena Cuadrado Pérez, Desiré Castaño Carrasco, Juan Blasco Álvarez y Saúl Moreno Cabanillas.

Género radiofónico: informativo

Coordinadora: Rosa Díez Santos

Descripción: Our students from 2º de ESO A are talking about the different saints of the United Kingdom; Saint Andrews, Saint David, Saint Patrick and Saint George, including details about their symbols and what people do to celebrate those important days.

Nombre de la alumna: Elena Cuadrado Pérez

She is going to talk about Saint Andrews, the patron saint of Scotland, in order to commemorate the festivity celebrated on 30th November.

Nombre de la alumna: Desiré Castaño Carrasco

She is talking about Saint David, the patron saint of Wales, celebrated on the 1st of March.

Nombre del alumno: Juan Blasco Álvarez

He talks about Saint Patrick, the patron of Ireland, a festivity celebrated the 17th of March.

Nombre del alumno: Saúl Moreno Cabanillas

He is talking about Saint George, the patron of England whose festivity is commemorated on the 23rd of April.