Emisora de radio educativa del CEIP Castra Caecilia
Emisora de radio educativa del CEIP Castra Caecilia


Alumnado participante: 5ºA

Profesorado participante:   Santiago Caballero                    

Descripción del programa: En este programa contamos un cuento en inglés. Esperamos que os guste.

The Gingerbread Man (also known as The Gingerbread Boy) is a fairy tale about a gingerbread man‘s escape from various pursuers until his eventual demise between the jaws of a fox. «The Gingerbread Boy» first appeared in print in the May 1875, issue of St. Nicholas Magazine in a cumulative tale which, like «The Little Red Hen,» depends on repetitious scenes featuring an ever-growing cast of characters for its effect. (Wikipedia)

Duración 5.14 m.     Género: Storytelling  Edición: María Guerrero